# the strings 'rf.views.infox' contain '\n' which are handled for paragraph spacing
# to make the Infos reading more easy. Include those also with the translated text
rf.views.info1='Views' are used to preselect reminders in the ReminderFox 'List'.\n\n A 'View' can have one or more 'Criteria'.\n\n The 'Criteria' defines if the reminder is included in the 'View'. Each 'Criteria' is related to one reminder attribute: DESCRIPTION, NOTES, CATEGORIES, LOCATION or DATE.\n\n A criteria is fulfilled if it's value is contained in the reminders related attribute. A 'View' can contain multiple 'Criteria', these will be treated as AND condition, all criteria has to be fulfilled.\n A criteria can contain multiple values; these are connected as an OR condition, so to fulfill the criteria only one value has to match with the related reminder attribute.
rf.views.info2=Select a 'Criteria' from the pulldown-menu: DESCRIPTION, NOTES, CATEGORIES, LOCATION or DATE.\n\n For DATE the values are selected with the menu. The other criteria are entered into the textbox, multiple values are possible and have to be separated by comma.\n\n The button is activated for 'Add' or 'Edit' of the criteria value.
rf.add2Textbox.info1=DoubleClick on a listbox row to add that item into the textbox at the cursor position